August 31, 2010

Week 38

There's light at the end of the tunnel! I had my weekly exam with Dr. L this morning. He was kind enough to strip my membranes while he was in there feeling around. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Bubba's still really active with crazy wiggling. His heart rate is in the mid-130s - perfect, exactly where it has been. Bubba's head is engaged (dropped down into my pelvis), and I'm 1cm dilated (cheerio, see below). Dr. L said Bubba feels like a healthy, seven-pound baby right now and that he's presenting well and he had a good feel of his head (crazy to think that he's touching his head!). We made an office appointment for next week but he thinks we'll be meeting at the hospital before then. Guess that means I should actually pack the hospital bag! :)

Kati's really hoping that he comes during the weekend so she's able to make his great debut. Mama and Daddy O are going to come down for Labor Day weekend since we'll be home and there's a solid chance of it truly being Labor Day weekend. I do need to get my toes done and Hubs and I are planning on hitting up the movie theatre one last time (we'll have to see what's playing!).

I've had some contractions this past week, but nothing crazy. I have been achy and crampy down low on my belly/in my pelvis. Like uncomfortable menstrual camps. We've been walking the ladies - have to make sure and do that more. Now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I want it! But I also treasure every single night that I'm getting a good night's sleep. It's weird to be so close to the finish line but have no idea where it is. With the marathon I knew exactly how much farther I had to go. Even though Dr. L said he doubts to see me next week in the office, there's still a chance of him seeing me there - ya know?! Walk, walk, walk!!!

Baby Development at 38 Weeks Pregnant
  • Your baby's organ functions refine when you are 38 weeks pregnant.
  • His nervous system functions increase.
  • His brain helps him refine breathing, improve digestion, regulate his heart rate, and prepare for eating during the 38th week of pregnancy.
  • Your baby might pass solid waste, called meconium, prior to delivery. If your water breaks or leaks and it is greenish-brown in color, this might indicate meconium spotting in your amniotic fluid. Call your doctor right away if this happens.
  • He has reached what will likely be his birth length.

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