July 30, 2010

Week 33

Heidi Hippo got married!! We went to her beautiful wedding at a u-pick blueberry farm with Mt. Si as the backdrop. We had a fabulous time - Lant got to bartend for a little bit and Bubba and I hula hooped!! There is photographic evidence, hopefully I'll come up with some.

Hubs and I spent the night at The Old Hen B&B. It was fabulous! Even though we didn't get back to the house until almost 10pm, the homeowners were up and offered to get a fire going in the pit for us. We had a great time visiting with them and roasting goodies over the fire. It started out with smores, but then the guys wanted brats. A search of the fridge and freezer left them roasting bacon over the fire. It was pretty yummy! Some ears of corn also made their way out. Bout 12:30 we called it a night (breakfast was at 9:00 and we all wanted to get some rest). Breakfast was also stellar - breadbowl quiches, banana nut bread with maple glaze, bacon (surprised there was any left!), and yummy little cups of parfait with raspberries and mint. MMM!! We'll be back.

Daddy O had a sleepover with us Sunday night on his way home from the Oukrop Family Reunion down in Oregon. We spent the afternoon down at the river - Hubs and Daddy O in kayaks and me playing ball with the ladies. It was at least 100 outside so wading in the river was pretty comfortable - Bubba and I got some good floating time in.

I'm getting very excited to meet Bubba and be able to play with him. He's getting pretty big in there and he sure likes to stretch out. I can feel his feet and slide them back and forth with the palm of my hand. Our shower is next weekend - looking forward to everyone coming to town! I did a little cleaning/organizing in his room, but not much since Hubs is tuna fishing and he wants to help. I have all the newborn and 0/3m clothes in a pile with tags cut off, ready to do my first (of many, many) loads of baby laundry. Took the diapers out of the box and stacked them on the changing table. Couple more weeks and we'll be installing the carseat bases in the cars. It's getting so close!

Baby Development at 33 Weeks Pregnant
  • She weighs about 4 1/2 pounds and might grow a full inch in length this week alone! She's grown to about 12 1/2 inches from crown to rump, or about the length of an average pumpkin.
  • Your baby continues to gain weight rapidly — about a half pound a week.
  • The pupils of her eyes can now adjust to bright or dim light, just like yours.
  • Her lungs continue to develop.
  • Your amniotic fluid has reached its maximum level now — there's simply no more room! With less fluid to cushion them, your baby's kicks might feel a bit uncomfortable.

July 27, 2010

Week 32

This past weekend we went to the Oregon Coast with the O'Malleys. They were excellent tour guides, knowing all the yummy places to eat (with the exception of the Tiger breakfast place). We played some intense bingo - didn't win squat, spent lots of time on the beach - flying our sweet stunt kites, and wandering through the shops. We stayed in Lincoln City but wandered down to Newport and hit up Rogue Brewery for a self-guided tour and lunch (yummy) and then went to the Newport Aquarium!

At the aquarium.
The four (or five!) of us, gobbled up in one bite!

Bubba n me testing out the gear.

Then on to the kites!!
Initial detangling of the lines since we HAD to get to the beach and couldn't do this in the house/out of the wind... (insert an "I told you so" here)

Finally getting it launched.

Hubs, the professional stunt kite flyer.

What happens when you let go of one of the handles...tangles!!

Lastly, our family portrait in the sand.

Baby Development at 32 Weeks Pregnant

  • Your baby weighs about 4 pounds and is almost 11 1/2 inches long from crown to rump, or the length of a small watermelon.
  • Lanugo, the soft, downy hair that insulates your baby, continues to fall off this week.
  • You might notice a change in your baby's movements this week, as he becomes more crowded in your uterus.
  • Kicks and movements might seem less powerful.
  • Be sure you monitor your baby's movements from time to time, especially if you think you've noticed a decrease in activity. The 10-Kick Count can help.
  • Your baby's skin is no longer see-through. It looks more like yours.

July 15, 2010

Week 31

Bubba has some CRAZY wiggles lately! Tons of moving around. Pretty entertaining to watch my basketball of a belly dance. :) I think he may also have some sleep twitches - all will be calm and then out of nowhere I get this spasm of wiggles, then back to calm seas.

My belly also doesn't fit under the table anymore. I just noticed it earlier this week while Hubs and I were at home for lunch and I didn't get to scoot all the way up to the table. I now set my napkin on top of my belly instead of in my lap. :)
It doesn't feel like it's sticking out any further (Hubs says it looks like a torpedo), but it's definitely gotten bigger. It's bulging out more down on the lower half - the bottom half of my belly button is non-existent. The great part is that I rarely shave my legs anymore, and have a solid reason! Hubs lets me use his electric razor and has even offered to shave them for me! I'll be taking him up on that offer real soon (why not?!).

Baby Development at 32 Weeks Pregnant
  • When you're 31 weeks pregnant, your baby weighs more than 3 pounds and is 11 inches long from crown to rump, about the length of a bunch of bok choy.
  • Your baby's reproductive system continues to develop. In boys, testicles are moving from the kidneys through the groin to the scrotum. In girls, her clitoris is visible, but her labia are still growing to cover it.
  • Your baby's lungs are now more developed but are not completely mature.
  • As trillions of brain connections develop, your baby is already using all five senses.
  • You might notice that your baby has more defined periods of being awake (and active) or asleep.

July 7, 2010

Week 30

I can't believe there are only 10 weeks to go!

I know the weeks will fly by too - we have something every weekend in July (Grumpa's coming to visit, going to Linclon City with the O'Malleys, Hippo's wedding and a night in a B&B!!, and then the baby shower!!). August may move a little slower but it sounds like we'll be heading up to the San Juans with Oma and Wumps (gotta start practicing their grandparent names). I also booked us a night at Cameo Heights Mansion - a B&B 30 mins from home - Aug 21. Was thinking that would really be our last night away from home just the two of us for a while. I'll be 38 weeks when we go. But I think it will be fabulous - fancy rooms, nice bathtub, sweet pool, driving range for Hubs...

We spent Monday of 4th of July weekend on the boat with Wumps - the weather was finally nice enough! Lant says my belly looks like a torpedo because it sticks straight out. Says you can't tell from the back, and straight on it isn't as obvious, but as soon as I turn sideways - BAM!
I'm very thankful to say that I am still feeling great - no trouble breathing, still feel like I have room for my bladder, sleeping all night pretty comfortably. Just hope Bubba's as good outside as he's been inside!

Lauren, from work, had her baby girl last Friday. You better believe I went to see her and get me some fresh baby time! They both looked great - definitely not like someone who just had a baby. Kaitlyn was 7lb11oz and was the biggest a fresh baby has ever felt. Changes your perspective when you're next in line to pop one out!

Here's a photo of the pregnant clan at work (Lauren, Lindsay, Jaralyn, and me - taken June 17, our last girl lunch before Lauren popped). I'm due next, then Lindsay a couple weeks after me, and Jaralyn a couple weeks after that. Lauren, Jaralyn and I are all in the same group at work. :)

Baby Development at 30 Weeks Pregnant
  • At 30 weeks of pregnancy, your baby weighs about 3 pounds and is about 10 1/2 inches long from crown to rump, or about the length of a bunch of celery. (His legs and feet increase this measurement by many more inches.)
  • From this week until week 37 of pregnancy, your baby gains an impressive half a pound a week!
  • Your baby might be practicing breathing movements as he rhythmically moves his diaphragm. You even might notice a slight twitching in your abdomen when this happens.
  • Your baby's brain continues to expand and develop, creating additional grooves and folds in the brain's surface. These wrinkles give your baby's brain tissue the needed room to expand as he develops and learns throughout his lifetime.
  • Your baby's brain can now regulate his temperature, so he begins to lose the lanugo— fine hair that has been covering his body for warmth.

Week 29

Well, I've fallen slightly behind again so y'all get a double-whammy.
Week 29 flew by with us thinking about what to do for the 4th and not wanting to 'waste' a long weekend. Hubs is doing really well with his dieting and has nearly lost the amount of weight he wanted to lose before Bubba's born. Weather still hasn't felt like summer, people tell me I'm lucky but I'm looking forward to the summer sunshine. More days on the boat, floating in the river and such.

Bubba's movements have definitely become more pronounced - there are times, usually at work, where it looks like he's dancing a jig in there. My goal is to catch it on video one of these times...we'll see if that happens. And then I'd have to learn how to get the video off my iPhone and onto this blog.

Baby Development at 29 Weeks Pregnant
  • Your baby probably weighs almost 3 pounds. From crown to rump she is about 10 inches long, about the length of a large cucumber.
  • Your baby's activity probably keeps getting more frequent and stronger during the 29th week of pregnancy. Hold on — some of your baby's jabs even might take your breath away!
  • Your baby already might be within almost 3 inches of her birth length, although she still has weight to gain to fill out.
  • During the next 11 weeks, she might more than double or almost triple her current weight. Much of this weight gain will happen as she gains important weight under her skin.