August 31, 2010

Week 38

There's light at the end of the tunnel! I had my weekly exam with Dr. L this morning. He was kind enough to strip my membranes while he was in there feeling around. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Bubba's still really active with crazy wiggling. His heart rate is in the mid-130s - perfect, exactly where it has been. Bubba's head is engaged (dropped down into my pelvis), and I'm 1cm dilated (cheerio, see below). Dr. L said Bubba feels like a healthy, seven-pound baby right now and that he's presenting well and he had a good feel of his head (crazy to think that he's touching his head!). We made an office appointment for next week but he thinks we'll be meeting at the hospital before then. Guess that means I should actually pack the hospital bag! :)

Kati's really hoping that he comes during the weekend so she's able to make his great debut. Mama and Daddy O are going to come down for Labor Day weekend since we'll be home and there's a solid chance of it truly being Labor Day weekend. I do need to get my toes done and Hubs and I are planning on hitting up the movie theatre one last time (we'll have to see what's playing!).

I've had some contractions this past week, but nothing crazy. I have been achy and crampy down low on my belly/in my pelvis. Like uncomfortable menstrual camps. We've been walking the ladies - have to make sure and do that more. Now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I want it! But I also treasure every single night that I'm getting a good night's sleep. It's weird to be so close to the finish line but have no idea where it is. With the marathon I knew exactly how much farther I had to go. Even though Dr. L said he doubts to see me next week in the office, there's still a chance of him seeing me there - ya know?! Walk, walk, walk!!!

Baby Development at 38 Weeks Pregnant
  • Your baby's organ functions refine when you are 38 weeks pregnant.
  • His nervous system functions increase.
  • His brain helps him refine breathing, improve digestion, regulate his heart rate, and prepare for eating during the 38th week of pregnancy.
  • Your baby might pass solid waste, called meconium, prior to delivery. If your water breaks or leaks and it is greenish-brown in color, this might indicate meconium spotting in your amniotic fluid. Call your doctor right away if this happens.
  • He has reached what will likely be his birth length.

August 24, 2010

Week 37

Weekly doctor visits, that's what we've come to. I feel like a regular at a coffee shop - I'm the Tues 8:45am girl. All is well, and right on track. Bubba's cookin' away in there. I feel him heavier, achier down at the bottom of my gut, between my hips. Nurse says I get the luxury of feeling that weight the rest of the time. Yippee... I have been SO blessed throughout, so I'm not even going to think about starting to complain now. The nurse also said I'm very lucky to not have any stretch marks (Thanks Mom!) and still be able to sleep so well.

My cervix has just started to thin, not really any dilation. Have another appointment next week, of course. We’re probably ~2 weeks out, but you never know! Doc is confident it’s at least a week out – I think at least two but he kinda hem-hawed at my confidence. Said it could be days or weeks.

Either way, we're good to go. Hubs and I got TONS done Sunday afternoon. He cleaned the house (gotta love that man!) and I did Bubba's laundry and finished getting his room put together. He has clean clothes, diapers, and a place to sleep. Bring it on, Bubba! AND I think we've agreed on a name (Hubs has seen the light). We still have the top 5 list, but agree as to which name is #1 - today. Keep in mind it might change next week. :)

This past week Jaralyn and I had our joint baby shower at work. We had a great time - got to eat lots of yummy potluck food and were spoiled with baby treasures.
Lauren, Kaitlyn, Jaralyn, and myself (1 down, 2 to go!)

The AMAZING tent/sleeper/playtoy from Pat and Krista.
Bubba better love it. Not that we'll be able to find him when he's in there...
I tested it out for him; Roo was supervising (in case I couldn't get back out).

Over the weekend Hubs and I spent one last night away from home just the two of us. We went to Cameo Heights Mansion, halfway between here and Walla Walla. Dinner was AMAZING - some of the best food we've ever put in our mouths. Hubs' dinner started with this smoked prime rib soup that yummy! Was like melted buttery, smoky bacony, creamy goodness. We're going to go back and have dinner there for our anniversary (good thing that's only 2 months away!). We had a wonderful, relaxing time just the two of us. The pool wasn't heated so we did our flinking in the hot tub, which was a bathwater temp so I was able to spend a good hour in there. Oh! And we played some dominoes before dinner, I was losing until I went out and got 71 points from him!!! (Daddy O - I think that may be the record!)

Baby Development at 37 Weeks Pregnant
  • Your baby's weight gain slows considerably, but she's got just a little more room to grow.
  • Essential fat (aka baby fat) will continue to form. This will round her out and help her stay warm after birth.
  • If you have an ultrasound during the 3rd trimester, the technician might measure the head, stomach, and femur to estimate your baby's weight.
  • She weighs more than 6 pounds.

August 19, 2010

Week 36

This past weekend we went up to Spokane for one last visit with the fam before Bubba pops out. As we drove up the hill to Mama n Daddy O's, it dawned on me that our next trip up here Bubba will be in the back seat! While we were in town, Ginny took some fun, amazing photos of us. She's a keeper! :)

I also finished off my BabiesRUs registry - that was a process. The girl rang me up, forgot to scan the 15%-off-remaining-items-on-your-registry-discount coupon, apologized and called her manager to see if we could just void out the transaction and do it again (I had a whole cart of goodies so I was really hoping we could do it the easy way). Nope. Return each item, and re-checkout. 20 minutes later, we have items returned, and re-scanned. Meanwhile, Hubs and Mama and Daddy O are at the German Inn waiting for me to join them for dinner. I'm starving. She scans the coupon - doesn't work. Well, that's because the first transaction made the items no longer show up as 'available' (remember the coupon is only good for reamining items). So pretty much the last 30 mins of me standing here was pointless. The manager came and apologized to me and the checker and just gave me 15% off my total (what the checker wanted to do over 1/2 hour ago). Fun, fun! Anyhow, treasures have been purchased. Need to close out Target this weekend and then we'll be all stocked up!!

I had my doc appt this week - we're on to weekly appointments with cervix checks. I had terrible pap smear in my head as a cervix check, but it wasn't so terrible. Quick and no duckbills. But Dr. L did look off in the distance while he was digging around in there, like he was trying to remember where he left his keys...
Bubba is head down (Dr. L let me feel!) but I haven't even begun to dilate. I didn't think I had since I haven't been having any contractions. I've had a couple this week, but they are tiny and rare. Pretty sure next week's check will yield the same results as this week. I'm still comfy and sleeping well, so no complaints from me. I do feel like Bubba had another growth spurt last night; pretty sure my belly is bigger today than yesterday. I can't believe we're in the home stretch - the last month already!

Baby Development at 36 Weeks Pregnant
  • Your baby has grown almost completely into his skin that was once so oversized.
  • He now has a fully rounded face, in part because his powerful sucking muscles are now developed and ready to get to work.
  • Although your baby's bones are hardening, his skull remains soft and flexible for his birth.
  • At 36 weeks of pregnancy, your baby probably weighs about 6 pounds or slightly more.

August 10, 2010

Week 35

Well, the nice blue ribbon that fit comfortably around my belly at the baby shower is now a solid 1.5" too short - I can't believe it!! I feel like I'm bigger every day, I guess this is proof... I grabbed the ribbon to put it away in a safe place and for some crazy reason decided to see how it fit - when I couldn't get the ends to meet I readjusted the ribbon, a couple times. No luck. I truly am turning into the Goodyear blimp. :)

We had our intake interview (filled out paperwork so we're all registered and ready to roll) with the hospital - Hubs got to see what a labor bed looked like and check out the super-comfy pullout chair he gets to sleep on. When talking with the nurse I realized that it'll be this time next month that we're there for the real deal. I keep thinking that we have plans every weekend in August, stuff to do at home, things to wrap up at work...Bubba's sneakin' up on me! He's still sittin comfy in his hammock; he hasn't dropped and I highly doubt he's turned so I feel like I have plenty of time yet. Ha! He has been a great baby; I know I'm lucky. Keep it up Bubba - just as good on the outside as the inside!!

Baby Development at 35 Weeks Pregnant
  • Your baby probably continues to gain at least a half a pound a week.
  • During the 35th week of pregnancy, she already might be close to her birth length, near 18 inches from head to toe, and she continues to build up necessary fat, especially in her shoulders.
  • Within your now-crowded uterus, your baby might shift her movements from kicks and punches to more rolls and wiggles.
  • Her brain development continues to advance quickly.
  • Your baby already might have settled into a head-down position in your pelvis, if this is your first pregnancy. This is the ideal position for delivery because your baby's head is the biggest part of her body.
  • Position refers to your baby's placement in your uterus — whether he is facing right or left or is headfirst or feetfirst. Your baby floats in your uterus and changes positions often throughout early and mid-pregnancy. When you're between 32 and 36 weeks pregnant, your baby usually rotates to a head-down position for labor and delivery.
    • Headfirst position is called the vertex position.
    • Feetfirst position is called a breech position.
    • If your baby is breech but is not too far down into your pelvis, your doctor might try to turn your baby into the proper position a few weeks before your due date.
    • Lying-sideways position is called a transverse position.

August 6, 2010

Week 34 - Bubba's Shower!

We had Bubba's shower this past weekend - it was awesome! I have some fabulous girlfriends who threw a fabulous party. Surprisingly, we had thunderstorms all night and into the morning of the party so we moved the festivities indoors, but it still turned out perfect - better than I could have ever imagined! Fran found these great jungle balls to hang from the ceiling - Hubs even let them stay up an extra couple of days! Now they're in Bubba's room. Kayte's friend made a super-yummy cake that looked exactly like the crib bedding! It was beautiful, but we were all able to eat it without qualms. He was absolutely SPOILED by everyone. I can't wait for him to get here so we can start using all our treasures!!

We had our 34 week checkup this week. Nothing too exciting - peed in the cup, weight, blood pressure, quick chat with the doc (like all the other appts). Next time, 36 weeks, they start checking for dilation (yippee...). Doesn't feel like it's at the end, but we're getting there! I feel like I have all the time in the world, but at the same time the deadline is looming. Hard to explain. I'm confident I have all of August in the bag, come Labor Day is when I figure we'll need to be on baby watch. And hopefully that works out cause we've got plans for every weekend in Aug! :) Pretty sure I've got a solid chance at it, too. Bubba hasn't dropped or even turned. He's comfy where he's sitting - and I'm comfy too. He's not squishing my bladder (only get up to pee once, if that, at night!), I don't have any extreme heartburn...mild cankles develop if I've been on my feet all day but I'm still wearing my wedding ring.

Baby Development at 34 Weeks Pregnant
  • He probably weighs about 5 1/2 pounds and is about 12 1/2 inches, about as long as a loaf of bread, from head to rump (plus an additional 5 inches or more in legs!).
  • The white, waxy coating protecting your baby's skin (vernix) thickens this week.
  • The soft downy hair (lanugo) that insulated your baby's skin so effectively for months is now almost gone.
  • Your baby's fingernails have reached the tip of his fingers.
  • Your baby might gain about a half a pound this week as his weight continues to build quickly.