February 1, 2010

Week 8

Well, we had a nice weekend. Lant went kayaking on Saturday. I slept in. Actually, looking back I got 10+ hours of sleep each night. So, out of the 48 hours of this weekend I spent ~21 of it asleep!
I've become rather top-heavy...they nearly have a mind of their own. Supposedly, they should plateau then blow up (even more - great...) at the end.
I have my next appt on Weds - my pants still fit, and I weigh the same as I did last month so it should go well. :)

It's crazy to think that the nugget is only the size of a lima bean, but still has fingers and toes!
Baby Development at 8 Weeks Pregnant
  • At 8 weeks pregnant, your baby is more than a half an inch long — around the length of a lima bean.
  • Your baby's tiny fingers and toes develop.
  • His arms and legs grow longer.
  • By the 8th week of your pregnancy, his wrists, elbows, and ankles are visible.
  • His eyelids form and ears, upper lip, and nose tip become more defined.

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