February 9, 2010

Week 9

Well, I've officially entered the last month of the first trimester. Couple more weeks and I'll have the easy (so I'm told) third done. I've been trying to sleep on my side (I prefer back) since that's on the no list after the first trimester - squishes my vena cava if I lay on my back too long...

It's crazy to think that this little nugget is only the size of a big grape yet by the end of this week will have a tiny little 4 chambered beating heart. Amazing. Can't wait till the 12 week ultrasound!!

Baby Development at 9 Weeks Pregnant

  • During the 9th week of your pregnancy, your baby grows to about one inch, or about the length of an olive.
  • By your 9th week of pregnancy, your baby's skeleton begins to harden. Hardening of the bones (ossification) begins with the formation of cartilage.
  • Her fingers, toes, knees, and elbows develop.
  • Nipples and hair follicles form.
  • Her intestinal system — pancreas, bile ducts, gallbladder, and anus — forms. Her intestines elongate.
  • Your baby's reproductive organs begin to develop internally when you're 9 weeks pregnant.
  • Muscles develop and your baby may start to move — you may feel her movements in several more weeks.
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