April 13, 2010

Week 18 - It's a BOY!!

It's been an exciting week - we got to see our son today and Lant got to feel him move for the first time the other night. He's getting to be quite the little wiggle worm! His heart rate was 134bpm and he weighs 9.4oz. Perfect and right on track for a mid-Sept debut. Here are the photos from our ultrasound today - what a little stud muffin!!

The money shot (like he's sitting on a photo copier w/ booty on R and legs out to L):

Profile (check out that buddha belly!):

Here's the bottom of his foot (heel to toes, L to R):

Baby Development at 18 Weeks Pregnant
  • This week, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long, or about the length of a large tomato.
  • Your baby's skeleton continues to harden during the 18th week of your pregnancy. His leg bones and inner ear bones are the first to ossify (harden).
  • Your baby now can hear! He might hear your heart beat or your tummy gurgle.
  • He might hear loud sounds outside the womb.

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