August 6, 2010

Week 34 - Bubba's Shower!

We had Bubba's shower this past weekend - it was awesome! I have some fabulous girlfriends who threw a fabulous party. Surprisingly, we had thunderstorms all night and into the morning of the party so we moved the festivities indoors, but it still turned out perfect - better than I could have ever imagined! Fran found these great jungle balls to hang from the ceiling - Hubs even let them stay up an extra couple of days! Now they're in Bubba's room. Kayte's friend made a super-yummy cake that looked exactly like the crib bedding! It was beautiful, but we were all able to eat it without qualms. He was absolutely SPOILED by everyone. I can't wait for him to get here so we can start using all our treasures!!

We had our 34 week checkup this week. Nothing too exciting - peed in the cup, weight, blood pressure, quick chat with the doc (like all the other appts). Next time, 36 weeks, they start checking for dilation (yippee...). Doesn't feel like it's at the end, but we're getting there! I feel like I have all the time in the world, but at the same time the deadline is looming. Hard to explain. I'm confident I have all of August in the bag, come Labor Day is when I figure we'll need to be on baby watch. And hopefully that works out cause we've got plans for every weekend in Aug! :) Pretty sure I've got a solid chance at it, too. Bubba hasn't dropped or even turned. He's comfy where he's sitting - and I'm comfy too. He's not squishing my bladder (only get up to pee once, if that, at night!), I don't have any extreme heartburn...mild cankles develop if I've been on my feet all day but I'm still wearing my wedding ring.

Baby Development at 34 Weeks Pregnant
  • He probably weighs about 5 1/2 pounds and is about 12 1/2 inches, about as long as a loaf of bread, from head to rump (plus an additional 5 inches or more in legs!).
  • The white, waxy coating protecting your baby's skin (vernix) thickens this week.
  • The soft downy hair (lanugo) that insulated your baby's skin so effectively for months is now almost gone.
  • Your baby's fingernails have reached the tip of his fingers.
  • Your baby might gain about a half a pound this week as his weight continues to build quickly.

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