March 31, 2010

Week 16

Had my 16 wk check today. All's well on the home front. Baby's heart rate was 145. Dr. L said I'm due to start putting on the lbs any day now. Along with fitting into maternity pants...
My BP was a little low, and I'm a little anemic but I haven't had any lethargy or dizziness so I get to keep chugging along.
We have our big ultrasound in two weeks - will be a head to toe check, including finding out the gender! I could've found out today, but Hubs wasn't with me and I don't want the surprise early. :) It's like at Christmas, I love how the tree looks with all the pretty presents underneath and as soon as you unwrap them you can play with your treasures but they aren't under the tree anymore.
We'll find out soon enough. Plus it feels weird to be far enough along to know the gender when I hardly, if at all, look pregnant. Still seems surreal at times.
Mama and Daddy O come to have a sleepover tonight and we're off to the beach bright and early tomorrow morning!

Baby Development at 16 Weeks Pregnant
  • Your baby is about 4 to 5 inches long — about the length of a large pear.
  • Your baby's skeletal and nervous systems connect enough to allow him to coordinate movement.
  • When you're 16 weeks pregnant, developed facial muscles make it possible for your baby to squint, frown, or try other facial expressions.
  • As back muscles strengthen, your baby is able to straighten his posture a little.
  • Your baby now has eyelashes.
  • By your 16th week of pregnancy, your baby's eyes move side-to-side and even perceive some light, although his eyelids are still sealed.
  • Your baby's bones build and strengthen with the help of your body's calcium!
  • Your baby already might be having tiny hiccups, although when you’re 16 weeks pregnant, your baby is not large enough for you to feel them yet!

March 22, 2010

Week 15

Well, the bras that I ordered last week still aren't here. Every day I check the mail hoping for that package to arrive, alas I get junk mail (census came last week).
There are still days where I wonder if I really am pregnant. I know that I am, we've seen the baby in there and heard the heart beating but it's still hard to believe. No weight gain, don't look or feel pregnant...although popping the top button is all sorts of comfy. Will be hard to come back from that!!
Did some good closet cleaning out this weekend. Have all the baby stuff (crib, changing table, the dresser, Grandma's rocking chair, the flipper slippers (!!)) piled up in the room that will become the nursery. Crib and changing table are compliments of Craigslist - good deals! The extra bed is out of that room and into the now guest/sewing room so that Mama and Daddy O can sleep over next week on our way to the beach! Really looking forward to the ocean!!

Baby Development at 15 Weeks Pregnant
  • When you're 15 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 4 1/2 inches from head to rump, and weighs about 2 to 3 ounces. She’s about the length of a large apple.
  • Your baby's hair might appear on her scalp and eyebrows. Hair follicles even begin to generate the pigments that give hair its color.
  • By your 15th week of pregnancy, your baby's ears probably have reached their permanent position on the side of her head, and her eyes are moving to where they belong on the front of her face.
  • Your baby's skin is developing, but remains extremely thin.
  • Your baby's skeletal system and muscles further develop and strengthen.
  • By the end of your 15th week of pregnancy, your baby might be able to wiggle fingers and toes, make a fist, or even suck her thumb!

March 16, 2010

Week 14

Mom and I went bra shopping this past weekend. It was comical. After trying multiple stores, and being not willing to get bras that are giant granny-style bras, had to order sizes online. Found Maidenform ones that'll tide me over - but I'm at the top of their sizing. After this it'll be maternity/nursing bras. Hope I make it to that point before needing to go up sizes...

Weighed in this am. Still exactly the same. 143.1 lbs. Y'all will be happy to know that my pants aren't buttoned up today. They are fresh out of the dryer and not physically possible this am. My gut is firm and brimming, threatening to make itself known. I recently invested in some Be Bands ($16.99 not on sale, couldn't find them any cheaper online) and am wearing one. Talk about comfy! Feels like sweatpants. I may never go back!

Baby update this week:
Baby O started sucking their thumb this week (we'll break that habit, but for now it's teaching him/her swallowing). The nugget also started peeing and making the motions of breathing.

Baby Development at 14 Weeks Pregnant
  • When you're 14 weeks pregnant, your baby is about the length of your clenched fist.
  • In boys, the prostate gland is forming. In girls, ovaries are moving into her pelvis from her abdominal area.
  • Your baby's thyroid gland now is working and making hormones.
  • By your 14th week of pregnancy, your baby's palate, or the roof of his mouth, has completely formed.
  • Your baby already might be or soon will begin growing body hair, called lanugo, which will temporarily keep your baby warm until his baby fat accumulates.
  • His head will grow to four times its current size and increase 60 times in volume by the time of his birth.

March 8, 2010

Week 13 - Start 2nd Trimester

The first trimester is officially over. I can't believe that we are already 1/3 of the way done with the pregnancy. I'm sure time will continue to fly.
This past weekend I left Hubs at home and went to Seattle to visit Heidi. We rode horses in the sunshine on Saturday. Beautiful weather. I also was able to visit Bobby while Heidi had a family dinner. Then Sunday we headed up to the Marysville outlets and got in a little shopping.
I got a little baby treasure this weekend - Flipper Slippers! I thought they were just too stinkin' cute to pass up. Boy or girl, the nugget will be wearing them!!
Sorry Mama O and Ginny, but I still don't have a belly. (Heidi and Bobby were also let down.) We still have a good three weeks until the beach so I'm sure I'll get a little gut by then. :) The second trimester is all about growth - both me and the baby...

Baby Development at 13 Weeks Pregnant
  • This week, your baby is about the length of a plum.
  • Eyes and ears are clearly defined. Your baby's eyelids are fused together to protect her still-developing eyes.
  • Tissue, which will harden into bone, is developing in your baby's head, arms, and legs. Tiny ribs might be visible.
  • She's already on the move! Your baby might be moving her body in jerky motions as she flexes her arms and kicks her legs, but you won't feel her move for at least several more weeks.
  • Vocal chords develop.
  • Your baby's circulatory system helps clear toxins from her body.
  • When you're 13 weeks pregnant, your baby's headprobably is about half the size of her body.

March 3, 2010

Week 12 - First Photos!!

Today Hubs and I had our first real ultrasound. It was beautiful and exciting and wonderful!! We got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which I was able to record with my phone. I'll have to see if I can upload it on here... 160bpm - strong and perfect! The US Tech and Dr. are both happy with the scans and say the baby's looking perfect.

I still (yay) haven't gained any weight. The nurse reassured me today that I'll blow up later. :) Pants are still fitting, and I'm sure I'll regret saying this later but I'm really looking forward to getting a baby bump. Being able to look down and know that's our baby in there. Feel the nugget move around - we got to watch our little baby legs kick today!
Anyhow, here are the photos from today!

Profile shot with nose and mouth, and some feet way up there on the right:

Baby Development at 12 Weeks Pregnant
  • When you're 12 weeks pregnant, your baby is almost 3 inches long. That's about the length of a plum.
  • When you’re 12 weeks pregnant, your baby's facial features continue to become more defined, particularly his nose and chin..
  • Tiny fingernails and toenails arrive for your baby when you're 12 weeks pregnant.
  • Your baby's heart might even speed up by a few beats per minute..
  • By the 12th week of your pregnancy, your doctor might be able to hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time, using a special Doppler device. You can ask about this at your next prenatal visit..