January 25, 2010

Week 7

My flu is gone!! It was miserable. I lost 5 lbs, but the nugget is doing fine. I can eat again, and keep it in me! This bout of flu reminded me how thankful I am not to be experiencing any morning sickness *knock on wood*.

Pants are still fitting, although my pregnant girlfriends assure me I'll be popping the top button in the very near future. I'm looking forward to being able to see it on me. Hit that phase where people wonder if I'm pregnant or fat...

The nugget is starting to look like something! It's the size of a blueberry this week, double from last week. Eyes, arms, and legs - oh my!

  • By the 7th week of pregnancy, she is 1/3 of an inch to half an inch long — barely the length of your pinky fingernail.
  • Your baby's face becomes more defined when you're 7 weeks pregnant. Her mouth, nostrils, and ears begin to appear.
  • When you're 7 weeks pregnant, the lenses in your baby's eyes begin to form and the iris color is visible.
  • Her arms, shoulders, hands, legs, and feet begin to take shape by the 7th week of pregnancy, with the early formation of fingers and toes just another week away.
  • Around the 7th and 8th week of your pregnancy, your baby's body elongates and her neck straightens.
  • Your baby's brain becomes more complex during the 7th week of pregnancy. The skull that's growing to protect it is transparent and rounding.

January 19, 2010

Week 6

Well, aside the fact that I've got some sort of NASTY bug I've been doing really well. No morning sickness. The "Sistas" have been rather sensitive lately - definitely fall into the category of Look, Don't Touch. :)

Here's what the nugget is looking like this week:
Baby Development at 6 Weeks Pregnant

During your 6th week of pregnancy, your baby grows at a phenomenal rate and his systems develop significantly. Here's what's happening at 6 weeks pregnant:

  • Your baby, now called an embryo, is clearly visible on ultrasound. He is about 1/8 of an inch long, about the size of a grain of rice.
  • When you're 6 weeks pregnant, his nervous system and all major body organs — heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs — are the first to form.
  • Facial features — jaw, cheeks, chin, ear canals, nose, and eyes — begin to develop around the 6th week of pregnancy.
  • You baby's heart beats about 80 times per minute and gets faster each day.

January 11, 2010

Week 5


After weeks of rapid cell development, your baby takes on a more distinct form. During the fifth week of pregnancy, here's what's happening inside:
  • Her heart and circulatory system take shape — a bulge indicates where your baby's heart is developing. By the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, your baby's earliest blood vessels form.
  • Around the 5th week of pregnancy, your baby's heart begins to beat and may be visible on an ultrasound.
  • The umbilical cord replaces the yolk sac. The umbilical cord works with the placenta to bring nutrition and oxygen to your baby and remove waste.
  • At 5 weeks pregnant, your baby is the length of the tip of a pen, about 1/17 inches, and growing rapidly every day.

Our First Doctor Appointment

We had our first appointment with Dr. Lorenzo last Thursday. We both like him. Tall, skinny, shaved head, no facial hair, and fuzzy eyebrows (see left).
He was kind enough to start the exam off with a PAP smear - I was under the impression that you got to skip those while you're pregnant. Not so much... Poor Lant was in the room, too. NOT looking. I also had to pee twice and give up 6 vials of blood.
Friday we got an ultrasound done! We were both looking forward to it, but turns out that I'm not as far along as we counted. I distinctly remember the start of my period - the Monday before Thanksgiving while we were in Valdosta. Ginny took me to a grocery store where I was the only Caucasian, first time for everything. So, the egg must have dropped later in my cycle. Anyhow, turns out I'm 5 weeks and not the 6.5 that we counted. Thus my due date has been pushed to Sept. 13 and ultrasound images didn't show much; it was just a yolk sac with a white dot in it. There will be another one soon. And I'll get copies for sure!

January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

When we have to get up and moving in the morning, I take the first shower, get my toothbrush going, then go wake him to get in the shower. When he isn't ready to wake up yet he whines at me to bring him his toothbrush in bed - which, me being SO nice, I generally do for him...

On New Year's Eve, I brought him this instead of his toothbrush. Don't worry, I didn't let him attempt to brush with it!
Looks like we're getting the year off to a big start!! :)

I tried to hold out until midnight, and when he kissed me, tell him to kiss our baby too. But I couldn't hold it. I knew on Dec 20th (like Mom said - you can just tell; I could feel it) but Aunt Flo wasn't due until Christmas Eve so I had to keep the secret through the holidays.

First appointment is this Thurs - can't wait to get a look at our nugget!

Added later:
Came across these recently and thought they were pretty interesting. Shows the shift of my internal organs to make room for the baby.


7 weeks

12 weeks

20 weeks

28 weeks

36 weeks

40 weeks